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Hamster Information

Habitat - Hamsters need a roomy cage with a dark area for sleeping/hiding, Paper bedding, such as Care Fresh, is ideal.  Provide an exercise wheel in the cage. If using an exercise ball, be very cautious that it does not fall down stairs. 

Diet - They should be fed a commercial hamster food with the occasional vegetable and fruit. Avoid seed based diets. They should have filtered water.

Veterinary Care - Hamsters need vet exams and stool checks 1-2 times per year. Bloody urine may indicate a UTI, or a reproductive tumor in females.  Spaying females may prevent reproductive tumors. Old age problems include arthritis and neoplasia.



** Hamsters are nocturnal and may bite if disturbed while asleep during the daytime**

Our staff would gladly speak to you if you have any further questions about your hamster.


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