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Bearded Dragon Information

Bearded dragons are social reptiles, and do well with human contact. 

Habitat - They need a clean roomy tank, fresh water, a UVA/UVB light source, a heat source, and newspaper or paper towels to line the tank. Please refer to our lizard check list for an easy terrarium guide.  They are best kept at temperatures ranging between 85-90 degrees with basking spots at 95-100 degrees.  Avoid moss, sand, bark, and corncob bedding, as these can cause intestinal blockages if consumed.

Diet - Their diet consists of insects, veggies, and occasional fruit. Commercial bearded dragon food (pellets) is also available.

Veterinary Care - Bearded dragons can have intestinal parasites and external parasites. Improper diet and husbandry can cause metabolic bone disease. Liver disease can occur from eating moldy foods. Please see your vet twice a year for check ups or sooner if you suspect illness.

Remember to always wash your hands after handling any animal, especially reptiles and amphibians. See information from the CDC about reptiles and contagious salmonella infections.

Our staff would gladly speak to you if you have any further questions about your bearded dragon.

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