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Gerbil Information

Gerbils are relatively docile creatures, and may be cupped in the hands. Scruff individuals to provide manual restraint. Never pick a gerbil up by its tail as the skin may slough off. Children should always have adult supervision while handling gerbils.

Diet - Gerbils are omnivores. In the wild the diet consists of grasses and seeds with small amounts of insects. A captive diet consists of a high-quality pellet supplemented with small amounts of fruits and vegetables. Gerbils should be offered fresh filtered water via a water bottle at all times. Clean bottle regularly.

Gerbils produce very dry feces and small amounts of highly concentrated urine.

Veterinary Care - Some gerbils can have spontaneous seizures, ovarian cysts, tumors, and squamous cell carcinomas. Your gerbil should be seen twice a year by your veterinarian or anytime you have concerns for their health.

Our staff would gladly speak to you if you have any further questions about your gerbil.

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